
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 2

I had no home?
Odin was thrown into a ruined fountain, picking himself up, the blood from the fountain dripping off of his skin. Odin turned to face the one who had thrown him in, it was a cherubim. The lion head was roaring, the human head screaming in a mix of pain and anger, and the Ox head glared at him the best it could. Odin pulled out his pentagram, focusing his energy, "Thor's Blessing: Thunder Crusher!" Odin jumped shooting up 100 meters, crashing down covered in lightning on the cherubim. Odin jumped back onto rubble, away from the cherubim as it was slowly stripped apart. A light sparkle lifted from it's remains and floated to Odin's pentagram, "13 of God's minions... Why is this happening?"
There was an androgynous laugh from behind him, Odin jumped turning around to face the source. A multiple armed humanoid stood there, it's right side was clearly masculine, where the left side was clearly a female. Odin sighed, "Ardhanarishvara... Don't scare me like that... Can I help you?"
The deity approached him, "no, we are here to help you... For you are one of the few who can fight YHWH and his army..." The female arms flowed over Odin's skin healing any injury he had sustained while the masculine hands infused his pentagram with a new power.
Odin was still as the hands worked, "so the Jewish faith is killing us all? Didn't see that coming... Christianity seemed more likely to destroy the world..." The female arms finished healing him and joined the male arms in infusing a new power.
Ardhanarishvara shook it's head, "not exactly just Jewish, it's the god of the trinity religions, YHWH is just as close as you humans have to his real name... It's Christianity's fault he has this happening..." Ardhanarishvara put it's arms down, "think of it as our gift," it bowed, rising up split into Shiva and Parvati. "We hope you have good fortunes in this battle..." They walked away, in perfect sync, leaving Odin alone.
Odin shrugged and wander out of the city, thinking on what this new power they had given him was. By the time he came to he was in the ruins of a house, looking at a family photo. "A picture is worth a thousand words... Too bad they are mostly lies..." He dropped the photo and walked into a room, "this was nothing but a house..."
There was a rush of cold air and a white feather landed in front of him, the root tips a dingy grey. "Ha, a heartless child like you could never have a home... Face it Odin, your game is over." Odin turned to the archangel Satan, "too bad this was too easy..." Satan smirked at Odin.
"Satan, those new wing's don't suit you... They wash your skin out..." Odin smirked back, "did lucifer suck as much dick to get back in HIS graces?"
Satan's face hardened into a glare, "no, he is on your side oddly enough and besides,that little technicality that sent me to Hell was worked out so I was allowed back in..." He brandished a claymore, "prepare to meet your friends in Hell!" Satan swung at Odin with full force.
Odin didn't flinch but merely blocked with an arch he had kept on his back. He pushed away, chipping the claymore's edge and forcing Satan away. "You're a fool if you think they were my friends... And you're an idiot for thinking I would be unprepared for an archangel attack..." Odin bent the Arch handle shaping the edge into a broadsword, he swung and shattered Satan's Claymore. "Goodbye Satan, too bad you have to be ended like this..." With a few flicks of his wrists, Odin easily diced Satan with one arm. The light sparkled out of Satan's remains and into the pentagram, "now he makes 14..."
Odin shut the Arch down and placed it back on the holster he had on his back. He turned away from the house and walked away, the world seemingly fading out, Odin getting a floating feeling as if being lifted from his body.

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